Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boots Rocks!

ok, so we have the best cat in the universe!! I thought it was maybe the 2nd greatest cat when it caught a gopher in our garden, but now that it is actually catching mice, well that changes everything!

I really hate mice espeically dead ones! So after breakfast, Zaquel went outside and he was trying to tell me that a "mammoth" was outside and it was dead. I tried to understand what he was saying and I couldn't! Why didn't he just tell me it was a mouse? Who knows! So I just kind of ignored it and then he kept coming back in and telling me about it. So then Isabel went outside and she said it was a dead mouse! Can you say N-A-S-T-Y? Gross, gross, gross! Of course Jungle Boy is at work so I have to take care of it myself. I was screaming the entire time I had to do it. The pictures don't show how disgusted I was! Yuck!!! Needless to say, I did it and now the sun can kill off the putrid guts from the grass! EWWWWWWW!

Yes, friends, the cup went into the garbage too! There is no need for that anymore!


  1. So I want to know who was taking the picture as you were freaking out? I can't say anything though because I would be freaking out too! We have a squirrel who loves to eat in our garden and I don't have a cat! Love to read your posts!

  2. The mini photographer was Isabel. She actually does a really good job! Maybe she will be a professional someday...Thanks! For that squirrel...get a pic ax!

  3. EWWWW! I'm so glad you threw the cup away too!
