Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My One and Only Zaquel

So, there really is no other little boy like mine! Here are a few stories to illustrate this statement!

Today with my neighbor Trish...
Trish: "Zaquel, you look super cute today!"
Zaquel:"I know!"

At Breakfast:
Me: "I love you Zaquel!"
Zaquel:"I hate you!" (He was smiling his big dimpled smile so wide I knew he absolutely was lying!:)
Me:"I made you, you should love me with all your heart!"
Zaquel:"You didn't make me, Heavenly Father did!"

Last week in the car:
Zaquel: "Hey there are the missionaries!"
Me: "Aren't you so excited to become a missionary when you grow-up?"
Zaquel: "I already AM a missionary Duh, mom!"

Very well said! Even if I didn't make him, he is very much so related to us! LOL!