Friday, July 24, 2009

African Remedies

So I am finally on the mend after being sick for a week and a half with a very nasty virus.

No, it wasn't Swine Flu. Marcos took me to the Dr.'s twice to make sure. Both times the test came out negative.

I usually do not get sick, but when I do, I do it very well. I can probably count on my hand the times I have been ill. I mean besides getting Malaria, passing out and vomiting in Stress Management Class (remember that Keli?), passing out at church, at home when I was pregnant, and now this horrible virus, my life has been pretty healthy! Even when I was teaching full-time, I was rarely ill.

Marcos was such a great hubby over the last week. He had to take 3 days off work to take care of me and the kiddos. With the week-long fever, I couldn't even get out of bed! But when Monday came around I was on my own! Thanks to our neighbor, Megan, she came and played with the kids after their naps! What a great help that was!

ok on with the remedy. I am all for natural healings and treatments when appropriate. That is why I love Africans. They are all about that too! We believe in the power of limes. Yes, that is right, limes. Marcos juices them up and we drink it up! It is a bit powerful, but it cures the common cold and that nasty virus I had.

When Marcos was able to go to the store, he bought a huge bag of 50, yes, 50 limes. The cashier was very interested in the party we were going to have. Little did he know there would be no tequila involved. So, I have been drinking the lime juice and it has really helped me get better. So next time you get sick or feel it coming on, go out and get some limes and drink a little bit each day and you will feel better in no time!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm. Sounds interesting. And sour. I think we'll try it next time someone is sick!
