The week before Memorial Day...we were here AGAIN! Remember, we were at Primary Children's Medical Center back in 2008 before Briel was born because Zaquel had celuitis in his eye!
So, back to our recent trip...The Wednesday before Memorial Day, Zaquel was having a difficult time breathing. I called the Pediatrician in the morning and tried to make an appointment. I was told that he takes Wednesdays off during the Summer months. Of course! So, I had him sleep a bit because he was awake most of the night coughing and not breathing right. So I checked on him and he was barely breathing and he was struggling so desperately so I decided to take him to PCMC. Marcos came home and helped me thank goodness because by now, he was coughing so hard he was vomiting! So we got there and they took him in quickly and assessed him and gave him a major breathing treatment. Apparently, he was so severe, they had to give him a lot of medicine within one treatment and it took a long time for it to finish. Then, it was a waiting game. They had to wait and see if the treatment worked before we could get the "all clear" to go.
Well, he was still struggling to breathe after 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours. Then, they wanted to watch him for 24 hours. Then he was admitted for another day, then another day. Finally, on Saturday afternoon, he was given permission to go home! It took him so long to get better because he had RSV for big kids (that is what they compared it to)and he had to have oxygen everyday and night. He couldn't leave until he could breathe on room air at night.
He was actually diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection which triggered a SEVERE asthma attack. I actually had my friend who is a respiratory therapist give him a breathing treatment earlier because I knew he was sick and his inhaler just was not working. Alas, we made the right choice in taking him to PCMC. The Doctors knew my pediatrician and they said he would have sent us here anyway because he was so sick. They actually saved us a co-pay...;)
We want to give a shout-out to all Zaquel's nurses and doctors who took care of him (notice, I said nurses first). They were so amazing! It was so nice to have a marvelous facility so close to us. We are so thankful for this! We are so glad Zaquel is doing so well now! We now have a nebulizer thanks to our lovely sister-in-law, Amy. So, hopefully, we can give him a treatment when he has some early symptoms of an attack so we don't have to have him hospitalized again!
One of the highlights (if you can call it that) was choosing whatever he wanted to eat for each meal!
I came in one morning to relieve Marcos and there was a half eaten cheeseburger on his plate. I asked if he had breakfast and Marcos said the cheeseburger WAS his breakfast. The differences between moms and dads...*SIGH*
I had to bring the girls up on Friday ALL DAY because Marcos had a training for work. Zaquel was so excited to see someone other than me and the nurses!
For being confined to one room for a day, the kids were actually pretty good. There was the time the team of 6 doctors came in to check on him and update me and the kids started fighting over the spots to sit on the bed. It was really embarrassing! One of the doctors couldn't contain herself and she started laughing at the whole situation. I mean geez, talk about wrong place and wrong time!
He was very excited to see his sisters! Briel even gave up her glasses for this photo!
Because of his infection, Zaquel was not able to go to the playroom. He was well equipped with a playstation in his room and loads of games courtesy of the hospital. So, when he was able to leave, he RAN to the "Spiderman" statue in the hallway and posed for a few pictures.
This picture shows how great he feels and how is truly back to his old self!
Of course the "web pose".
We are so glad he is back!
That is so scary! I am glad everything turned out okay and Zaquel is back to his normal self.