Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little Miss Independent!

Well, Briel has done it! She has mastered the art of walking! She can do it obnoxiously well now! I wasn't too worried that at a year she wasn't walking. Not too worried again at 13 months. Marcos just knew she would take after me and not walk until 15 months. NOPE! She did it at 14months! I knew it was coming on quickly when I saw her holding onto things as she walked. She really wanted to follow her sister and brother everywhere and crawling must have been getting a bit boring for her!

Alas, she did it and she has beaten my record!

I am actually really glad she has. She was beginning to wear out all her pants on the knees from crawling so much!

Now we get to watch her get into EVERYTHING! She loves going to the cereal cabinet and helping herself. I wouldn't mind, except she leaves quite the trail behind wherever she goes!

She also can go up and down stairs. This is a recent trick of hers learned about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Who would have thought she would get tired of falling down the stairs?


Gone are the days of putting her in one spot to have her play for minutes while I got things done...

Now, on to talking!


  1. Such a little cutie!!

  2. Wow, she doesn't even look wobbly! She really picked up that skill! My Emma didn't walk til 18 months, wasn't even crawling til 10 months. I remember just wanting to force her to walk and the doctor telling me I was very lucky to have her stationary a little longer than most kids. After that, Mags walked at 15 months, and Gretta walked at 13. I was praying Gretta would hold out a few more months, but she had to keep up with the other kids! Too bad.
