Monday, November 16, 2009

Culture Night!

Marcos and Briel playing the drum.
Marcos explaining the traditional dress of Mozambique.
Our Stake had an Culture Night on Saturday and Marcos was asked to do a display table and talk a little bit about Mozambique. Marcos also dressed the kids in the traditional dress. We gathered all the stuff up and had fun reminiscing about our trip back in 2000. Oh, how I wish to go there again! Our kids want to go as well. Too bad it would cost $6,000 just for all the airfare! Crazy! One day we will take the kids, most likely when they are at an age where they will appreciate all the things we have here in America!


  1. And hopefully next time you go, you won't contract a killer disease!

    Cute kids!

  2. NO kidding! That was pretty awful!

  3. That's awesome, what a great thing for a stake to do! We need to do that here.

    Oh, I wish you could go back again!! Hey, can we save up and come with you one day?:-)
