Thursday, July 22, 2010


We had so much fun at Lagoon last month! It was the place Marcos' work decided to have their summer party at! My mom works there also so she came along with us and her hubby met us there later in the day.

While the others were swimming, my mom and I took Briel on the Merry Go Round. She was fine until it started going! Then, her famous crying began!
Briel was such a trooper! She loved checking everyone out. People watching was the ride of her choice!

Marcos Took Isabel and Zaquel to Lagoona Beach to swim first. Briel wouldn't even get out of her stroller. I think there was too many people for her.
Zaquel and my Grandma on the Egg Drop ride.

Briel really enjoyed her cookie!

When Isabel and I were on the Paratrooper, we were stuck in the air as they changed passengers and Isabel noticed our shadow. Luckily, I had my camera and I took a picture of it! We are waving in the picture! I thought it turned out pretty cool!

We actually got Marcos to go on one ride, the Ferris Wheel. He does not like amusement parks. He especially hates heights so we were extremely lucky he indulged us on this one! Briel, on the other hand, loved it!

I think my favorite part of the day is when we were getting loaded up to head out for Lagoon when my mom asked Zaquel what his shirt said. He replied, "Do not grow boobs or else!" This boy! His shirt actually said, "You are special, be yourself."

What a great way to spend a Summer day!


  1. How fun! I haven't been there forever. It looks like the kids enjoyed it which makes it a plus.

  2. Such cute pictures.
    Out of the mouth of babes. Kids are so genuine aren't they?
