The Saturday before Mother's Day is always the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure at the Gateway.
This is my 3rd year participating. The 1st year was to honor a dear friend who passed away from Breast Cancer and each year following is in her memory.
Last year and this year I invited my mom to come. She was ill this year and didn't make it but will be back next year I am sure of it!
So, Isabel came with us this time. We had a great time!

We went with some of my teaching friends whom I love and adore!
One of our favorite parts are all the sponsor tents. We love free things especially when they are good free things! We scored some "green" shopping bags, cool backpacks, coupons, and awesome scarves!
There was a special "kids" section this year. Isabel went and played the games and won a cool "Shrek" hat from the McDonald's booth. She had to make 2 baskets to win. She did and then she was going to win for Trish's Hubby too. She tried and tried and that dang ball finally went in twice! We thought she won until this lady said she couldn't win twice....anyway amidst a few flying comments she got the hat! Then a few minutes later, the other cool hat guy running the booth ran up and found Isabel and gave her one more hat! SCORE! She now had one for Zaquel and that was very important!

Shooting.... (Cool hat guy on her left)

Still Shooting...


Us walking the race

Maria, Kari, and Isabel

Trish and her Hubby (yes, he has a name I just can't think of it now!)
Isabel was having too much fun! She kept telling us we were walking too slow! You try and walk as fast as you want to with thousands, and thousands of other people!

Us at the finish line! YEA!

Isabel felt like queen of the world this day! :)